I’m always appreciative of the feedback and perspectives of others. While many are awakening to the reality of the day here in Alberta, that the UCP is compromised, political parties have led us to a very dark day, ‘axe the tax’ is a con’s con campaign, a friend gave me a moment of pause and conversation. Is it fruitful speaking at and/or attending those ‘axe the tax’ events?

From that conversation I’m asking myself the questions, “If Poilievre would’ve popped in, would the vast majority of attendees cheered him on?” Most likely. Would that’ve stopped me from attending? No it would not, reasons being that I’m grateful for the opportunity to share the evidence of Canada’s betrayal, with several people asking for the document following the presentation. It was also great seeing old friends as well as meeting new ones.

Regarding who I’d shared the stage with at the event, by my speech I’d hoped I’d made it clear that I absolutely don’t align with some of the speakers there. Two speakers in particular who’ve consistently guarded the UCP via Take Back Alberta, Reddog and Benita. Individuals whom I’ve had many behind the scenes conversations with who know very well my position.

I’ve also learned yesterday of concerning information regarding allegations against Dale Richardson, one of the other speakers. I’ll be following up on that with both parties.

There was also a concern about the promotion of a political party. I’d like to make it clear here that my calling is no longer of a political nature. My position today is that we’re well beyond the point of any political solutions, independent or otherwise. Politics led us to today, political tribalism is allowing the establishment to perpetually abuse many men, women and children. Cheering on the betrayers is a path to more pain. This societal and spiritual war will not be won or lost in political elections. In what mankind is facing today, in Alberta, Canada and around the world.

Furthermore, it’s my belief today that politics won’t lead us out of the abuse and injustice at hand, independent or otherwise. The establishment controls all pillars of society, including the political arena. Culture must change first, the global war must first play out, mankind must first awaken to the reality of their enslavement and betrayal and then come together on a moral foundation, defending one another our foremost priority. Only an uprising behind that can be successful, where election fraud and the court of public opinion is an absolute force to be reckoned with, where whistleblowers have a safe harbour.

My focus and dedication is on education and advocacy.

In saying all of that, as a Calgary mother is in court today for the last day today trying to protect her children from a pedophile, as Alberta Health Services, college of physicians and surgeons, the justice system, police, child family services, UCP and NDP protect pedophiles, if anyone wishing to be a leader cannot first and foremost defend children being sexually preyed upon, children, women and men being injected with proven to be poisonous Covid-19 vaccines and political prisoners Tony and Chris, if anyone cannot defend those men, women and children by challenging the establishment EQUALLY – UCP and NDP included – I’ll never again put myself in the position of sharing the stage with any individual who defends that abusive establishment.

Accountability and transparency is a key to finding justice.


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