These are just a few examples of people Dana and I’ve met over the last four years. Examples of lives of children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and friends destroyed by politicians, governments and bureaucrats within public health, children family services, police and the justice system.

Stories and names not given a second thought or care by mainstream or independent media, not unless there was something in it for those outlets.

Karen Grieves; single mother, small businesses restaurant destroyed through covid tyranny. Karen has moved on and created a new business, loving life.

Chad McDonald; lost a brother, businesses (gym) severely compromised through covid tyranny. Chad continues to seek answers from the government, bureaucracy and justice system and continues in his passion and business of Ape Parkour fitness.

Kirk Riese; Canadian Ranger, life was destroyed trying to report corruption of millions of dollars. Kirk continues in his attempt to expose the story of corruption that can bring down governments.

Zulkifl Majahid; duly elected UCP candidate whose character was destroyed by UCP, after he would not comply with party/government corruption of providing business favors to UCP fundraisers. Zulkifl continues exposing corruption of UCP

Stacey Pacholek and family; small coffee shop & bookstore, refused to shut their doors, continues to stand tall. Stacy and family continue opposing AHS tyranny, seeing it through to the end in the justice system. Lawyer Lani Rouliard works pro-bono for Stacey. Stacey and family continue operating their business, Stacey’s Happy Place and have the support of their community.

Alberta Coutts Freedom Convoy political prisoners;

James Sowery; trucker in prison for running over pylon with Hydrovac truck

Jerry Morin; 2 years and counting in Remand, arrived Coutts 2nd last day

Tony Olienick; 2 years and counting in Remand, denied prescribed meds

Chris Lysak; 2 years and counting in Remand, denied healthcare

Chris Carbert; 2 years and counting in Remand

Remand is meant to hold an accused for 17 hours on average. All the above political prisoners are denied bail as child sexual predators and murderers are commonly released.

Michael Jackson; Saskatchewan father, originally jailed protecting his child from being covid vaccinated. Has lost contact with daughter and is awaiting trial, facing further prison time.

Nancy O’Neil; First Nation husband and children brutalized, kidnapped by the system, Nancy never gave an inch, represented herself and her family, her children were returned one year later, her husband exonerated. They messed with the wrong woman. Nancy continues to speak internationally, her story will soon be published as she continues to advocate for justice among First Nation people suffering atrocities in Canada.

Jaime (last name withheld); a professional mother whose children were sexually preyed upon and then kidnapped by system, is in the middle of trial, continuing to fight for her children and all children who are victims of sexual predators and the corrupt bureaucracy of Alberta’s public institutions, Children Family Services, police, Alberta Health Services and the justice system. They also messed with the wrong mother here. Intelligent, relentless and fearless.

Alberta UCP, NDP, Saskatchewan government, Canada’s federal parties, governments and oppositions, Liberal, NDP, Conservative and Bloc, the bureaucracy within Canada’s public institutions as well as all media, failed all of those Canadians mentioned above.

Although there are many many more than that, these are people who never made the news, and if they did it was only through intense and sustained efforts of advocates, these are just some of the men and women Dana and I’ve had the honor of meeting. We proudly stand with our friends, these warriors one and all. Truly inspiring men and women.

My website will soon be finalized, on which you will find the stories of these courageous and strong Canadians (and others), those who stood tall against tyrannical governments and bureaucrats, those who never gave an inch, those who selflessly sacrificed everything defending the rights, freedoms and lives of their family, friends and neighbors.

Although these last four years have at times been a heavy burden, in sacrificing time away from old friends and our family, in being used as many others have been used by self-serving people, we would do it all again, as this process has led to a high level of awareness, of knowledge, of understanding people, of the spiritual reality of the day, of being inspired by those great people mentioned above, in witnessing first hand the beautiful courageous resilience within men and women, in knowing that God is with those who defend truth, freedom and justice.

Respect, admiration and love for our friends.

For our children, for all children, we stand with those who will not give an inch, those who will selflessly never surrender, those who stand bravely in truth. In the spirit of our ancestors, all those who built this land that we call home, “we will not live with a noose around our neck!”

As we’re about to embark on a one week sabbatical beginning in two days, we’d like to say peace and love to everyone. God bless you all.

Bob & Dana Blayone

Alberta, Canada

Political Prisoners of Alberta

Zulkifl Mujahid Fort McMurray

Stacey’s Happy Place

James Sowery Support Center

Bob Blayone – Independent Advocate

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