To those feeding Jason Lavigne’s platform, in knowing he’s attacked Alberta women who are key advocates, family and friends of Tony Olienick and Jerry Morin, including their mother, wife, life-long best friends and a grandmother, what’s your thoughts on the following?

Lavigne’s Government and corporate IT contractor resume:

  • CBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
  • Human Resource Development Canada
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • The City of Saskatoon
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • CIBC Securities Inc
  • Windsor Board of Education
  • Ontario Cancer Institute

Oct 2018 – July 2020; Six Ontario Municipal governments. Responsible for analysis, design, implementation and ongoing support of all vital business systems including: Court, Financial, Public Works, Transportation & Roads, Library and Corporate Services

Received thousands of dollars from the National Research Council of Canada in grant funding.

December 2019; created Covid Lockdown software. As Municipal contractor he developed stay at home IT before Canadians knew lockdowns were coming. See video linked below at the very top of this article.


Lavigne and Best have both made false and damaging accusations against all ladies and men mentioned above. Derek (Diagnal leader) released a book based on those lies.

January 19, Lavigne recently opened an email to me by saying, “Putting the Margaret issue to the side for a moment.” Let’s be clear here. There is no Margaret issue, there’s a Lavigne issue!

Just because I haven’t brought it up recently doesn’t mean it went away. The abuse continued.

If I state or share something that’s not accurate, then let me know. The context of the clip is related directly to a fact, there is no other context to provide. I’m putting out evidence coming from Lavigne himself. That’s his own contractor list. Because I had a conversation with him did not cause me to respect him or believe his explanations.

I’m glad I had the conversation with Lavigne, otherwise I’d not have learned of his award for creating the government Stay-At-Home Covid-19 IT.

I’m not calling Lavigne a liar, he’s proven himself to be a liar. He’s proven himself to be an abuser of women and men already being abused by the heavy hands of governments He’s proven it many times.

I judge a man by how he treats women and children. Pedophiles, abusers of women and men are at the bottom of my list.


Here’s the evidence that counters the lies of Jason Lavigne and Donald Best;

Updated information;

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