Bob Blayone, “You are sadly misinformed. They forced several votes to can the entire carbon tax and Trudeau and Singh pushed them through. In fact. It is part of the conservative platform to cancel all carbon tax and lower income tax. Guess you missed that class you simple fuck. Take your lies and garbage to the liberals who will buy into it. 🤡🤡🖕🏻

Not long ago I’d have taken offence. Today, acknowledging the depth of this spiritual war we’re living through, in knowing the most deadly of all sins is pride, in many being prone to deception in that, as pride layered with fear manipulates hearts and minds of many people, I take no offence. Patience is more important than ever today and I thank God for lessons in that.

For those who are emotional in defending the politicians, I’m not the enemy. The history of how Canada has fallen to something other than a free and democratic country is right there. I’ve focussed on the UN/WEF climate change agenda/loss of sovereignty in that, and the WHO international treaty/loss of sovereignty in that. I’ve focussed on my home province as an example because many believe Alberta conservative governments have been a voice of opposition. If you take the time to go through the evidence (links provided to the statutes/acts/laws, you can clearly see that’s not the case.

I’m as blue collar as they come. From a humble farming upbringing in Northern Alberta. I’m a period Metis with ancestral ties to my great grandfather Chief Blackpowder and uncle Chief Big Bear, the last hold out to the last treaty in Treaty Six. There was a man also that saw what that time was, the imprisonment of his people on small plots of land. For far too long First Nation, Native Indian people across Canada have lived without trust, hope or opportunity. Many are abused very badly, women and children. Those incidents go unreported.

All Canadians are now facing the same fate. Far too many continue to fall to acknowledge the truth of the deception we’re in, and so it will come, of that there is no doubt in my heart and mind. I’m not giving up, I’m just at a place of coming to terms in that.

I’ve had several people reaching out strongly suggesting that I support a federal political leader and party. Holding onto hope in one politician or party? No thank you. I see no politician today up to the challenge of true leadership. None taking a risk. None who are providing Canadians the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. None who defend the many children being sexually preyed upon, calling for Alberta’s UCP to amend its Publc Health Act, calling for the shutting down the covid-19 vaccines for children and babies at the very least, none calling out that genocide here in Canada or the genocide in Gaza. Not-a-one.

I’m now at a place of belief that turning the tide in a meaningful way, changing governance structures, restoring justice and freedom will be measured in decades, a lifetime and beyond. Not in any one election or through the existing political parties and governments. To trust in those who betrayed Canada in the first place is delusional and misguided.

Politics for me is now downstream, down the road. First and foremost, the fraud that is today’s governance structures, the fact that Canada, its Provinces and people should have been free and sovereign must first be recognized and acknowledged by a vast majority of Canadians. Only then will there be sufficient numbers and the will of the people to understand the political theatre of today, of uni-parties, and to then take it down to the studs, to rebuild, to build a Canada that was always meant to be. Strong and free.

To those who continue to take exception to my opinions, understand that I’d much rather be doing other things than doing what I’m doing. There has been a cost to speaking out. Going against the mainstream is never easy, family and friends are sometimes lost. It’s a burden but one that I cannot shy away from. Doing so, not speaking the truth, staying silent as many people suffer would destroy me more than anything.

All I ask is for people to remember these conversations though, and when you’re ready, when you understand and acknowledge the truth, know that you’ll be welcomed with open arms. I’m by no means a perfect man. Patience was always a work in progress for me, but forgiveness comes easily. God is good.

I sometimes see the comment, “Who the hell is Bob?!” Lol. Fair enough. Who am I and how did I end up doing what I’m doing? How can I afford to do this full time? Like a lot of people, I found abundance and prosperity in oil and gas, decades in the drilling industry. In 2015 we sold our business interests in that and so for the first time in decades I’d time to focus on other things.

One example, I’d done a deep dive in climate change, spending hours and hours, days and days. Like learning first hand via email to a professor Mike Hulme. In that, I’m fluent in saying that man-made climate change, warming, the taxing of CO2 in any capacity, is fraud. I see the climate change movie being shared and that’s good. It is a fraud. I’m calling it criminal fraud as people are being hurt very badly in that. Ultimately, it’s criminal fraud because people’s money is being taken.

I was very angry at the NDP/Liberals for the cancellation of oil sands, pipeline/rail infrastructure, and so immersed myself in volunteering in politics, the merging of the PC/Wildrose, election of Kenney and then the UCP government. I dedicated a lot of my time, energy and capital lending a hand. Our parachuted in political organizer, the man who’d become the Peace Region MLA, was a six year staffer under Minister Jason Kenney in Ottawa. In that dedication of my time, natural inside access came, time with Kenney, inner circle of advisers, top strategists, chief of staff, etc, etc.

One of my policy ideas came to become policy, “Free Vote.” Whereas I’d hoped that Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta would be free to vote on, “matter of moral conscience.” Being naive at the time, the policy was gutted by the time it was passed at the UCP AGM by membership. The Premier decides when that is enacted. Premier/Ministers are government, MLAs are to hold the government to account. The policy of Free Vote, if still there, will simply gather dust on the shelf.

UCP formed the government and my education continued. One commitment those of us were given, as well as the people of Alberta, was the NDP’s Oil Sands Emissions Cap would be removed. Soon after the election, the question was asked about that, the answer was bluntly given – NO. I’ve a communication from my MLA asking for my advice on speaking to pipeline development as he was moments away from rising in session in the legislature.

That was my level of involvement. At one point, I demanded a meeting with the Minister of Justice over the hiring of the lead in the Alberta Energy War Room portfolio, a man who’d no business being given that position, as well as theft of a million dollars from that, paid to a law firm in the form of retainer, the same law firm the Minister had practiced at, the same law firm that buddy to the politician, the former campaign manager to that politician, a law firm that buddy’s son worked at,

Accountability is important to me. I wasn’t shy to do so during my time on the Board of the UCP. Not shy to challenge even Jason Kenney. However, it wasn’t until months after I’d left in disgust over their fascist governance through covid when discovering the reasons as to why there was always a soft and mealy mouthed push back from conservative governments on all things climate change fraud.

I’ll end with this. In my document there’s a section that speaks to where the former chief of staff came from. When Kenney had become the leader of the UCP, my MLA, former six year staffer to Kenney in Ottawa said to me of the man who’d become the chief of staff to the Premier of Alberta, “Jaime paused his private sector career to come back to Alberta to help.’ Jaime Huckabay. Start there and tell me I’m being simple. That was no conservative think tank or global communication/lobby organization Huckabay was the VP of from 2010 to 2015.

During Huckabay’s tenure at VP, fellow Board members included former campaign managers for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Democrat National Chairman and Joseph Stglitz, top senior economic advisor to president Bill Clinton, Chief economist World Bank, WEF since ‘95, IPCC, High Level on Carbon Emissions (architect of carbon tax). Communist/fascist comes to mind when reviewing the ideologies and connections of those individuals. Stiglitz was an architect of what was formerly known as the Green New Deal, The Great Reset, now known as a global transition to what Stephan Harper called, “Enlightened Sovereignty” during one of his many lectures at the WEF, with Klaus Swchab at his side.

I’m at a place where I’ve absolutely no respect or hope in any and all of the parasitic betraying selfish and cowardly politicians. Liberal, NDP, Conservative, Bloc, UCP, even Maxime Bernier. Another politician who was at the CPC table as Minister when the betrayal was brought to Canada, via the changing of laws, additions of new ones, usurping the rights, freedoms and prosperity of Canadians.

By their silence and inaction, all of those politicians, governments and oppositions are defending pedophiles in Alberta and across Canada. Sexual predators at a bureaucratic level, including doctors within public health services, sexual predators beyond that. Protecting children, defending them is our duty.

The Armour of God,

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

Ephesians 6: 10-18

I do not stand with any neglectful politician or government. I stand with men, women, children of Canada and all over the Earth, those who suffer grave injustices. Above all else I stand with God, in his grace and guidance.

God bless you all.


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